We the Undersigned representatives of the civil society of Somalia and Somaliland convened by the East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project;
Recognizing that respect to and promotion and protection of human rights as a fundamental basis of liberty and freedom in Somalia/Somaliland – and that various human rights defenders from all over Somalia/Somaliland are working towards that
Recognizing the significant role human rights defenders play in ensuring that the human rights of every person as stipulated in the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights are respected and upheld in Somalia/Somaliland
Mindful of the various difficulties faced by human rights defenders in their work for promotion and protection of human rights in Somalia/Somaliland
Recognizing the need for adequate information sharing for effective engagement of human rights defenders in promotion and protection of human rights in Somalia/Somaliland
Cognizant of the need for having a coordinated civil society action to maximize actions towards promotion and protection of human rights in Somalia/Somaliland
Desirous of the need to enhance the awareness of human rights work through linkages with likeminded national, regional and international entities
Considering the utmost importance of our government to ratify all international human rights instruments
On the 20th day of August, the year 2015 hereby
• Come under the formation of the Somalia/Somaliland Human Rights Defenders Coalition, with the objective to work towards ensuring the rights and freedoms of every person as stipulated in the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights are respected and upheld in Somalia/Somaliland.
• Agree that the newly established coalition will have an independent secretariat with its own personnel.
• Resolve that coalition will be governed by a fifteen (15) member steering committee – which will be drawn from the membership.
• Commit to work to protect and defend themselves, enhance their capacity, advocate, raise public awareness and their profiles in Somalia/Somaliland.
• Resolve to work according to the principles of inclusiveness, non-discrimination, non-partisanship, transparency, accountability, non-violence and solidarity.
• Welcome other human rights defenders working in Somalia/Somaliland to join us in the pursuit of promoting and protecting human rights in Somalia/Somaliland through a coordinated mechanism.
• That the coalition will collaborate with other human rights forums and institutions in Somalia/Somaliland, the region and at the international level including the East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project to further the objectives of the coalition.
It is very unfortunate to see an organisation launched for human rights and at the same time using a title for this article ” the beggining of the reunion with somalia” which is an insult to the Somaliland population. It is one thing to start an organisation but to disregard the choice of three million people is a grave misjudgement which make this bogus org and its financers are doomed!!!
This organisation is illegal according to the Somaliland Law. Please read the following: qodobkiiso 1aad wuxuu weli yahay sidan:
“1. In cid alaale iyo cidii ku abtirsata Somaliland, dawladd, shicib, Afraad (?), Ururo, Axsaab, NGO-yada, Aqoon yahanada, Madaxdhaqameedyada, Suugaan yahanada iyo dhamaanba noocyada ururada Bulshada aanay sinaba uga qayb gali Karin shir kasta iyo arin kasta oo lagaga hadlayo Hindisayaasha Somalia ama lagu heshiisiinayo dhinac ka mid ah kooxaha Somalia ama iyagoo isku dhanba.”
Can somebody who is accused of human rights abuse be a defender of humanrights!!!This is the story of General maxamed Xassan Isamaciil Farah.
Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=3Dlga7xlDMQ
[…] Should we decide to all move over to Mogadishu and forget about this that some call the Republic of Somaliland? Should we create another federal state to be called Somalia-land? […]
[…] Should we decide to all move over to Mogadishu and forget about this that some call the Republic of Somaliland? Should we create another federal state to be called Somalia-land? […]
[…] Should we decide to all move over to Mogadishu and forget about this that some call the Republic of Somaliland? Should we create another federal state to be called Somalia-land? […]