Somalia: The Ethiopian who is Executive Chef in Mogadishu

Col Ibrahim Sheikh Muhiadin
Col Ibrahim Sheikh Muhiadin: Somalia Officers enjoy Restaurant’s menu with the most rich in seafood.

In Mogadishu Beach Restaurants: “Octopus, sea turtle, lobster, shrimp – it’s all over this place! Somalia is the most rich in seafood,” said Lule Dhan, an Ethiopian who is executive chef at the Benadir Beach Restaurant. “This fabulous city… is not what the media portrays,” he  declared.

“Absolutely, I’m here to stay,” said the restaurant’s slightly less effusive co-owner, Abdi Resak Jamcale, who has returned to Somalia after two decades in California.

“I’m not making a profit but I’m breaking even. We need new laws to have more foreign investment here. For years people here  never knew what’s wrong and what’s right – whoever has the gun was in control. But we’re getting there, slowly,” he said.



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