Somaliland: Media Monitoring and Oversight Committee Sets a Brisk Pace in Activities


Over the past week, the Committee for Monitoring the Code of Conduct and Ethics of the Media (CMCCEM) of Somaliland’s National Electoral Commission (NEC) has set a brisk pace in insensitive activities during the week.

The Committee set off a busy schedule with a meeting with NIMD- the Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy which did not only host the committee but supported members with logistics as well. The committee also held important discussions with the Electoral Commission Chairperson and commissioners to strengthen media operations and ethics.

The committee directly engaged with national media outlets, guiding the upcoming election scheduled for November 13, 2024. They also produced daily reports in collaboration with the media monitoring technical team. A notable achievement was the committee’s success in addressing misinformation from certain media outlets, particularly those opposing the Electoral Commission’s work. Cases involving journalists Beylood and Mohamed Ander were cited as examples.

The committee has issued several critical recommendations for media coverage during the election period. They strongly advise caution regarding false information and content that could disrupt electoral processes. Media outlets are instructed to refrain from publishing any results not officially released by the Electoral Commission. Additionally, all information must be thoroughly verified for accuracy before publication. The committee emphasized the importance of maintaining media ethics during the election period and adhering to journalistic principles governing media coverage during elections.