Commissioner Badhani Explains the Ballot Data Verification Process


NEC Commissioner Hussein Badhani detailed the National Electoral Commission’s rigorous data processing protocols, emphasizing transparency and accuracy throughout the electoral process.

The Commissioner outlined that after polls closed, commission officers and party representatives jointly counted ballots at each station, signing a consolidated tally sheet. Speaking to media in Borama, Awdal, where he oversaw the November 13 elections, Badhani described the multi-stage verification system at regional headquarters.

“The process begins at the Ballot Ensuring Desk,” he explained. “Data sheets then move to the Special Investigation Desk for re-verification. Questionable sheets are quarantined for further review, while validated ones proceed to party representatives for comparison with their copies. At the Data Entry Desk, representatives monitor every keystroke on large displays. The final report undergoes one more verification before receiving signatures and stamps from both party representatives and the presiding NEC Commissioner.”

Any significant, valid concerns raised by election stakeholders would be forwarded to the constitutional court for adjudication. Badhani’s briefing aligned with the NEC Chairman’s earlier press statement on Thursday evening.

The international community lauded Somaliland for conducting another smooth election, which drew widespread attention from democratic nations worldwide.